CPF Mortgage

the ask

CPF Mortgage is a trusted local brand that received many leads through word of mouth, but needed a stronger digital presence and marketing strategy. A big part of this plan was a brand refresh that solidified their identity and was consistent throughout their print and digital content. In addition to creating a new website and detailed social content plan, we crafted targeted marketing campaigns and press releases to announce the new brand launch.
web design
social media
print collateral


To stand out in their industry, we gave CPF Mortgage a polished look featuring blue tones and a calming gradient paired with a bright orange. We went with a clean, minimalist logo and simple web fonts.
& Myriad Pro
Crowberry Blue
r1 g56 b69
c96 m65 y53 k47
Atmospheric Soft Blue
r168 g228 b240
c31 m0 y6 k0
Mint Gloss
r16 g98 b161
c94 m65 y7 k1
Swedish Green
r16 g98 b161
c94 m65 y7 k1
Blazing Orange
r249 g250 b252
r249 g250 b252
EH portfolio CPF logo process scaled

the process

We wanted the new brand and website to portray CPF Mortgage as trustworthy industry experts, while also incorporating their core values and story. At the same time, we wanted to move away from the “template” look of mortgage company brands and help them stand out in their industry. With their revised visual identity, we remained true to who they are, while leveling up their look and presence.
EH portfolio stylescape process scaled

building an online presence

An important part of the website build was organizing content, condensing various forms and tools, and redesigning with user experience at the forefront. With a sleek new mobile-responsive look, users are able to find what they’re looking for quickly.
Website process higher resEH portfolio sitemap scaled

marketing and social content

CPF Mortgage quickly established a social presence through consistent engagement and weekly videos supported by our team’s detailed content plan. Ad campaigns, landing pages, blog posts and press releases were also part of our plan to create exposure and keep up the hype.
EH portfolio CPF social posts scaledEH portfolio CPF stationery
EH portfolio ribbon cuttingEH portfolio CPF business cardsEH portfolio CPF cupEH portfolio Amanda deya