How Leadership Models Influence Professional Development Plans

August 21, 2020
Written By Deliyanis Rosa Fontanez

Have you ever wondered if you're using the right leadership model for your personality? To be a great leader, you have to invest time, energy, and resources into the team around you. Everyone leads differently, but professional development plans are key to keep our team moving toward their individual career goals and higher management positions.

When it comes down to it in marketing and in all business: leaders develop leaders. So by taking the time to focus on your team, you're building leadership skills in your workforce.


Download the Slides on Leadership Models and Professional Development Plans


Additional Resources on Leadership Models

More about Level 5 Leadership

Read Carson Sublett's book: "Bosses Are Hired … Leadership Is Earned: Experiences. Lessons. Decisions. Life."

Read Patrick Lencioni's book, "The Motive: Why So Many Leaders Abdicate Their Most Important Responsibilities."

Leadership Models and Professional Development Plans: Transcript

Hi everyone, it's Ryan at energyhill, welcome to another Modern Marketing. Today we are switching gears; we've been talking a lot about apps and different tools that we use in-house today I'm going to switch gears and talk about leadership.

We're going to keep it kind of tight in the marketing and design and brand world, but I did want to talk about how leaders — they can kind of fit into one of four different models. I'm going to say that this is relevant to 10 years ago. You're like, "why are you talking to me about 10 years ago?" Because really it goes not just from 10 years ago but really from about the 70s and 80s all the way up through early 2000s.

In the coming weeks I'm going to talk about modern leadership and how we should in a sense be adapting. We're going to talk about Patrick Lencioni and some of the content that really thought leaders are driving in our world. We're also going to switch it culturally because that's also relevant now that everything really is a global economy and culture that how are we engaging with partners, clients. customers across the globe in different countries: how do they really approach business and leadership and evaluations and everything.

Professional Development Plans

We are going to talk about something tactile-based on this talk on Wednesday which is about performance evaluations. Everyone's like, "oh, that's gross." I feel we've really kind of figured out something pretty special about this and it's really not just about professional development which is the term we use but it's really personal development plans and how those engage.

Leadership Models

Today we're talking about leadership, professional development plans for your organization. So here's the four elements and emote models that really leaders align into and again this is based on really the 70s but I think you can probably even go further back into generals potentially, as far as how these four models were prevalent and they're active and some of them still are the thing is they've just kind of tweaked and evolved into what they are going forward.

Transactional Leadership

First of all transactional leadership: we're going to talk about that one. Really this model is about you give me something in return for something, so I will pay you this as long as you do this. I will not pay you this based on this.

And that's very — I'm going to say that was done a lot in the 60's, 70's, 80's and really it doesn't really work today. Not just with specialists and skill-based employees but even non-skill based employees, it's very difficult.  However, there's still a place for it.

It's just one of those things that as an organization is that effective going forward and that's something that I would say there's much more cohesive and adaptable models that have really take prevalence in the last decade and decade and a half. But again really this is, "if I if I do this you will give me that." That's the whole model. Rewards and punished based on performance in the form of transactional benefit. It's still done in a lot of cases.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership really these are the visionaries. These are leaders that are able to inspire through words in action and not rewards and punishments so they switch it to, "Hey, I'm going to affirm you I'm going to really make it where you are accepted based on your views, beliefs, what have you and also then monetary will align with that or life, family, work balance will align.

Really this transformational leadership, which really this term is kind of dying, I haven't heard it much in the last decade but it was huge back in the 90's where everyone transformational — what type of transformational leader are you?

So these leaders give individual care or set that expectation based on subordinates' needs so it's really more custom-based which is what I love. It is based on individuals; that's an element that again when I'm talking about this you're going to know who you are if you're a leader in an organization or if you're striving to be a leader or if you're striving to start your own business you're going to kind of know some of your DNA that aligns with this. But I want to show you that there's value in all these even the transactional.

Transformational Leadership vs Transactional Leadership

If you are running let's say you know a manufacturing place and you say,"Hey guys we can make this competitive and still be effective and good and have a good culture and company that aligned with that and a brand and vision that aligned with it."

However, it's more about the transaction it's, "We need to crank out 10,000 units in three hours and that's our goal." There's nothing wrong with that so there's good in all of them it's just what makes sense for you and your organization.

Charismatic Leadership

The next one is charismatic: it's very similar to transformational. They're similar in the sense that they really they use their innate abilities to build those relations with relationships. They're typically high in confidence.

These leaders only really need to avoid one thing: that's fame. I think that the charismatic leader can become, even just in a small way, famous all of a sudden. They don't even talk with their key players and key teams so that's where they can kind of run into this element.

So I think there's that balance there with all of these models but definitely this one runs into that. Unfortunately, with fame can come distraction from their organization or from their company and their brand, that they just don't care anymore.

Level Five Leadership

Then there's level five leadership. Again, 2005, so just wanted to date it with what it is. I do like this author, but he talked about level five leaders of studying duality. It's both modest and willful shy and fearless — these are known as a quiet leader.

It's not me; I'm saying right now I'm not — I'm very loud and obnoxious at times. But the whole idea is that they're someone who kind of lead but yet they're quiet, they're humble, they have all these traits that are fantastic, that I honestly strive for. But they have calmness and inner peace that allow for a level five leader to remain centered in the worst of circumstances. That's what I love most is that they're able to realize their faults, realize their strengths, but they're still able to remain even keel and whatever the scenario is.

Colman Mockler and Level Five Leadership

I do want to show one example that I think Collins talks about in his book and that is Gillette. So it's actually Colman Mockler — he was a CEO of Gillette and he's known as a humble, intense, passionate leader that hired talent and vision carriers.

He really went through kind of a grind from the 70's, 80's, and 90s, in a sense they were trying to take over. They were trying to replace him because he was so — I'm going to say he was not even humble he was almost timid. He was definitely an introvert, yet here's the thing, when those takeovers happen, he was humble but yet he was willing to know what needed to be said and got the job done. In a sense that he was still bold when it was needed, and that's something that I want to encourage you.

Everyone says, "Oh I can't be a leader because I'm not charismatic, I don't have that personality, I don't have those skills." You know what, it doesn't matter. I'm going to say this: Colman was one of the best leaders of our time in the retail world and he really set a set a trend for way the way leaders should engage in and work with their team and employees. I'm gonna say that it's not always bad to be introverted. However, I think that's a weakness of mine.

Sometimes it's good to have that humility and have that quietness, but still show that you still have the strength when it's needed. Okay, so that's my talk on leadership.

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